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Immae boosted

Mon Evil Business Plan du jour :
1) fouiller MicrosoftHub à la recherche de projets manifestement abandonnés
2) proposer au mainteneur de les reprendre
3) mettre du code malveillant dedans
4) être maitre du monde

Immae boosted

After months of hard work on development, Android 7.1.2 ‘Nougat’ is officially available for the Fairphone 2 🙌
Find out all you need to know on the update:

Immae boosted

Sysadmin reminder: 11 october is the #DNS root key rollover. Brace yourself and check *today* that the DNS resolver you manage knows both keys, 19036 (the old) and 20326 (the new) #DNSSEC

Mastodon is one server in the network